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Janet McNulty - Mellow Summers 05 - Oh Holy Ghost Page 10

  We spent the next few hours eating and gabbing. My starved stomach gave me the “what for” when I finally ate something for the first time since lunch. As eleven o’clock rolled by, people filed out. The day’s events caught up with me and I just wanted to go to bed; maybe get some real sleep for a change.

  “Good-bye, Mellow,” said Father Hillard as he left. “Merry Christmas, everyone.”

  “Christmas?” I said. I had forgotten what day it was.

  “Tomorrow is the day of our Savior’s birth. Or have you been so busy catching murderers that you forgot?”

  Hell, an entire year could have gone by and I wouldn’t have noticed it. “I have been a little busy.”

  “Well, so long. And thanks for the burgers.”

  “Hey, where’s my bacon cheeseburgers?” yelled Tiny rummaging through the empty bags.

  I noticed a couple of wrapped burgers in the priest’s hands as he walked out the door and winked at me. “I don’t think you’re going to find them,” I told Tiny.

  “Yeah, well, night all.” Tiny left with his gang.

  Soon, it was just Jackie and I.

  “Mel, I really am sorry for the way I treated you this past week.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, “We both made some mistakes. I’m going to bed.”

  Chapter 11

  I woke up to falling snow. For once it actually snowed on Christmas in real life and not just in the movies. It probably wouldn’t last long, but I admired the fresh snow and the blanket it left on the ground. It really was beautiful.

  “Hey, Mel, get on out here. Santa’s brought you a present,” yelled Jackie from the living room.

  “Hate to break it to you, Jackie,” I said as I walked out of my room, “But there is no Santa.”

  “You sure about that?” I’d recognize Greg’s voice anywhere. He stood by the tree with a wrapped gift in his hands and dressed in a Santa suit.

  “You’re here!” I ran and gave him a giant hug.

  “Of course I am,” he said, “I told my boss I couldn’t be in today and I took the next several days off all the way up through New Year’s.” He handed me the present.

  Eagerly, I ripped off the paper and opened it. Inside was a brochure for a bed and breakfast in Connecticut.

  “Thought maybe we could get away for a while,” said Greg.

  “Oh, don’t worry about me. I’ll find a way to entertain myself,” said Jackie. “Maybe I’ll learn to shoot pool at Tiny’s.”

  A knock sounded at the door.

  “Miss Summers,” said Detective Shorts as I opened it. He handed me a cell phone with a red bow on it. “Since I know I will never be able to convince you to stop getting involved in matters that concern the police, here. My number is speed dial number 1. Call me the next time you wish to get into mischief.”

  “Thanks.” I took the phone.

  “Merry Christmas, everyone.”

  I shut the door behind him as he left. No sooner had the lock clicked into place another knock sounded.

  “Hey,” said Chris when I opened it. “It’s much brighter in here. Here.”

  He handed me a Catholic medallion. “I never put much stock in these, but my grandmother did. She made me promise to keep it with me at all times saying it would ward off evil spirits. Considering your line of work, I think you need it more than me.”

  “I really can’t,” I protested, “It was your grandmother’s.”

  “I have no need for it. Take it.” Chris put it in my hands and refusing it a second time would only be rude.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “Oh, and I wanted to let you know that your landlord has found a permanent maintenance man, so I’ll be going now.”

  “But you live in the building.”

  Chris chuckled. “I moved out years ago. See you around, Mel. And Merry Christmas.”

  “He’s leaving?” said Jackie as I shut the door.


  “Too bad. He’s really cute.”

  “You just broke up with someone,” I said.

  “Which means now I can date whomever I want,” said Jackie as she headed for the door.

  “Hold it.” I grabbed her arm.

  “Fine,” relented Jackie.

  My new cell phone rang. How did anyone get my new number? Or, did Detective Shorts ensure the new phone was in my old one? I guess it wouldn’t have been that hard for him to do it.

  “Hello,” I said as I answered it.

  “Mellow, this is Mr. Carver. I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but wanted to let you know that I hired a new maintenance man. He’ll be around tomorrow morning to fix your shower.”

  “Uh, yeah, Chris just told me that you hired someone. And he already fixed the shower.”


  “Yeah, Chris Henderson. The guy you hired temporarily.”

  “I never hired anyone, Mellow,” said Mr. Carver, “And besides it couldn’t have been Chris Henderson.”

  “But that’s who he said he was.” An uneasy feeling welled up in my stomach.

  “Chris Henderson used to be a tenant there, but he died six years ago. Bad car accident. Too bad too. That kid had a bright future ahead of him. Strange though. Some of my older tenants say they see him around sometimes. Well, if you believe in such things. Anyway, Merry Christmas.”

  I hung up.

  “Mel?” Greg noticed the perplexed look on my face.

  “Jackie, I don’t think you’ll be able to date Chris.”

  “Why not?” asked Jackie.

  “You know how you wondered why we hadn’t seen any ghosts lately? Well, that would be because Chris didn’t announce that he was one.”

  “You mean—”

  I nodded my head.

  “Damn,” said Jackie. “They’re either murderers or dead.”

  “I’m sure Tiny would love to hook you up,” said Greg.

  “Over my dead body,” Jackie quipped.

  My new phone rang again. What was this? Grand Central Station?

  “Mel,” said Tiny’s voice when I answered, “Where are you. The party’s started already. Well, don’t worry about it I sent the boys over to get you.”


  The loud reverberations of several bikes and shouts funneled up to my window as Tiny’s friends pulled up outside.

  “Now hurry up and get on over here,” said Tiny, “I got a surprise for you.”

  He hung up. A part of me did not want to know what he had in store for my surprise.

  “Well, guys, we need to get to Tiny’s,” I said.

  A little, white note materialized and floated through the air before landing in my hands. I had no idea where it came from. I looked around, but found no source. Jackie and Greg were as curious as me.

  I opened it.

  Yee—haw! Can’t wait to see you out in Montana. Your Aunt Ethel’s got a real surprise for you. Hope you know how to ride horses. And don’t forget your hat and boots.


  I handed the note to Jackie and Greg.

  “Not that crazy old lady again,” said Jackie. “Please tell me, ‘no’.”

  I just shrugged my shoulders. This was going to be an interesting Christmas.

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  Look for Book 6 in the series:

  Where Trouble Roams

  About the Author

  Ms. McNulty began writing the Mellow Summers series last year. Thus far she has published five books in the series and more are on the way.

  Ms. McNulty has published other books as well which include Illogical Nonsense and the Legends Lost series, which was published under the pen name of Nova Rose.

  She has also tried her hand at children’s stories: The Hungry Washing Machine, Mr. Chili’s Chili, Mr. Chili Goes To School, and Mr. Chili’s Halloween.

  When not writing her book, Ms. McNulty is forced to pay attention to three cats who, for some reas
on, think her world revolves around them.

  Follow on Twitter: JMRUL

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  Look for the first book in a new series by Janet McNulty:


  The eyes are always watching

  Imagine living in a world where everything you do is controlled.

  In the distant future the United States has been split into two regions separated by a barren wasteland; this is the country of Dystopia. Here the individual is discouraged, freedom is an illusion, food is rationed, and everything you do is tracked by a chip implanted in your arm. This is Dana Ginary’s world.

  At age seventeen, people receive their career assignments chosen for them by a government body. Forced to work at the Waste Management Plant because she was declared too individualistic, Dana finds herself surrounded by death and brutality. Knowing her days are numbered, she looks for a way to leave the plant before she, too, becomes one of its causalities..

  It is then she meets a man named George and soon finds herself caught up in a cat mouse game between the resistance and the Dystopian government. Dana finds herself faced with an agonizing choice of whom she will betray and whom she will save: her friend George, her parents, or herself.

  1,000 years before the birth of Amborese is a far greater story. The legend of Tesnayr. Before the lands of Tesnayr existed, there were five distinct kingdoms. Each proud and constantly at war with one another. But all that changed… A stranger washes upon the shores of Sym’Dul, beaten and barely alive; the only survivor of a devastating war in a land far across the sea. Nursed back to health, Tesnayr makes a new life for himself and begins to think that his past is behind him. Then the orcs arrive led by Galbrok. They quickly ravage the land. Faced with a terrible choice, Tesnayr forms his own army to stop them and quickly draws the attention of each of the five kings. Yet, Tesnayr’s past refuses to release him. Can he unite the five kingdoms before Galbrok annihilates them? Can a lone man from across the sea achieve what all believe to be impossible?

  The second great legend of the lands of Tesnayr.

  Amborese thought she was a peasant’s daughter until one night dark creatures murdered her parents and pursued her into the forest. Saved by a talking cat and her friend Zolo, she fled for her life only to learn that she was heir to a throne that has sat empty for over 300 years. Pursued across the five lands of Tesnayr by an evil wizard’s army, Amborese discovers a world full of senseless war and powerful magic.

  Joined by the most unlikely of friends, Amborese must unite the five lands of Tesnayr and restore them to their former glory. Yet, she harbors a power that even Zolo is unaware of; the magic of the phoenix. But can the daughter of a peasant overcome her doubts and become the queen she was meant to be?

  500 years of peace have reigned in the lands of Tesnayr, but the princess Nylana is forced to watch her brother Galdin meet what all believe to be certain death..

  25 years later Nylana is sent on a mission to a neighboring kingdom where she is rescued from slavery by her lost brother. Reunited they travel back to Tesnayr and find that barbarians have invaded from the north and the alliances between the five lands are strained once again. But all is not as it seems as something elusive and more sinister taunts them.

  Can Galdin and Nylana solve this mystery and save the lands of Tesnayr?

  Grandpa’s Stories: The 20th Century As Mt Grandfather Lived It.

  My grandfather grew up in Arizona during the 1920s and 1930s. One week after the attack on Pearl Harbor he joined the Navy. During the summer of 2012, my mother visited him and recorded his stories about growing up, World War Two, and time as an employee at the Pacific Bell Telephone Company. This is the history of the 20th century as he lived it. These recordings make up this book. These are his words.

  Available on Lulu and Amazon